Page 16 - 舟山市定海区志
P. 16
Part 5: Environmental Protection
Chapter 1: Environmental Quality 237
Chapter 2: Pollution Control 243
Chapter 3: Ecological Protection and Construction 247
Chapter 4: Integrated Environmental Management 250
Part 6: Transportation
Chapter 1: Sea Transportation 255
Chapter 2: Land Transportation 275
Chapter 3: Port Administration 306
Chapter 4: Maritime Administration 308
Part 7: Water Conservancy & Water Affairs
Chapter 1: Building Seawalls 317
Chapter 2: Storing Fresh Water 332
Chapter 3: Land Reclamation 346
Chapter 4: Fighting Against Floods, Typhoons and Droughts 350
Chapter 5: Water Supply and Water Saving 352
Part 8 Post & Telecommunication
Chapter 1: Post 361
Chapter 2: Telecommunication 368
Part 9: Marine Industry
Chapter 1: Fishing Industry and Salt Industry 389
Chapter 2: Ship Building and Repair 418
Chapter 3: Aquatic Products Processing 424
Chapter 4: Petrochemical Storage and Transportation 433
Chapter 5: Port Logistics 437
Chapter 6: Island Tourism 444
Part 10: Industry
Chapter 1: Structural Reform and Industrial Park 461
Chapter 2: Industrial Categories 473
Chapter 3: Technological Transformation and Innovation 496
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