Page 17 - 舟山市定海区志
P. 17
Part 11: Commercial Service Industry
Chapter 1: Commercial System Reform 511
Chapter 2: Trade Market 518
Chapter 3: Commodity Circulation 525
Chapter 4: Grain and Oil Circulation 534
Chapter 5: Supply and Marketing Cooperation & Commercial Venture 547
Chapter 6: Foreign Trade and Utilization of Foreign Capital 555
Part 12: Agriculture and Rural Areas
Chapter 1: Transformation of Agricultural and Forestry Production System 571
Chapter 2: Planting Industry 574
Chapter 3: Forestry Industry 583
Chapter 4: Breeding Industry 594
Chapter 5: Agricultural Production Bases 602
Chapter 6: Agricultural Machinery 606
Chapter 7: Rural Economy 609
Part 13: Financial Industry
Chapter 1: Financial Institutions 621
Chapter 2: Financial Business 630
Chapter 3: Insurance, Securities, and Financial Support 642
Part 14: Finance & Tax
Chapter 1: Finance 653
Chapter 2: State Tax 668
Chapter 3: Local Tax 671
Part 15: General Economic Condition & Comprehensive Economic Management
Chapter 1: General Economic Condition 683
Chapter 2: Planning 694
Chapter 3: Statistics 700
Chapter 4: Audit 706
Chapter 5: Managing Commodity Price 709
Chapter 6: Administration of Industry and Commerce 734
Chapter 7: Quality and Technical Supervision 758
Chapter 8: Regulation of Food and Drug 764
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