Page 22 - 舟山市定海区志
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                                                   Part 24: Civil Affairs

                Chapter 1: Grassroots Democratic Autonomy                                             1049
                Chapter 2: Supporting the Army, and Giving Preferential Treatment to the Family of the Enlisted  1050

                Chapter 3: Social Welfare                                                             1054
                Chapter 4: Social Affairs                                                             1062

                                                    Part 25: Education

                Chapter 1: Educational Institutions                                                   1075
                Chapter 2: Teachers                                                                   1099

                Chapter 3: Educational Investment and Facilities                                      1104
                Chapter 4: Education Reform                                                           1110

                                                     Part 26: Culture

                Chapter 1: Literature and Art                                                         1119

                Chapter 2: Mass Culture                                                               1129
                Chapter 3: Broadcast and Television                                                   1137
                Chapter 4: Books and Movies                                                           1143
                Chapter 5: Local History                                                              1148

                Chapter 6: Archives                                                                   1153
                Chapter 7: Cultural Relics and Natural Science                                        1155
                Chapter 8: Non-materialistic Cultural Heritage                                        1169

                Chapter 9: Cultural Market                                                            1173
                                                      Part 27: Sports

                Chapter 1: Mass Sports                                                                1181
                Chapter 2: School Sports                                                              1190
                Chapter 3: Athletic Sports                                                            1195
                Chapter 4: Sports Facility and Sports Lottery                                         1199

                                             Part 28: Science and Technology

                Chapter 1: Scientific and Technological Organizations                                 1203
                Chapter 2: Technical Research, Development and Achievements                           1205
                Chapter 3: Scientific and Technological Management                                    1216

                                               Part 29: Medicine and Health

                Chapter 1: Medical Institutions                                                       1221


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